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  Glossary Of Picture Framing Terms [58]

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Sampler  A sampler is a small piece of needle or yarn work the displays a certain stitch or pattern, usually in suggestion or preparation for a larger project.
Sandpaper  A piece of heavy paper with one surface coated in an abrasive material. It is used to smooth rough surfaces by removing the raised particles, in preparation for painting. Alternately, it can be used to "rough up" smooth surfaces for better traction. Sandpaper
Sandwich  A term for the bundle or contents of a picture frame, when stacked together. This includes the clear glass or plexiglass cover, mats (if applicable), artwork and backing. Sandwich
Saw  A hand held or self-standing tool with a circular, serrated blade that cuts through hard materials such as wood and metal by spinning at high speeds. Saw
Sawblade Lubricant  A wax stick or applicant that is applied to a saw blade to keep it moving smoothly and uniformly, and prevent chips of the cut material from blocking the spin of the blade.
Sawtooth  Refers to various items with a serrated, sharp "toothed" edge, including sawblades, certain knives, and hanging hardware.

Order online: Sawtooth Picture Hangers
Scanning  Scanning is the process of converting physical documents, photographs, or images into digital format using a scanner or scanning device. During scanning, the scanner captures the optical characteristics of the original document or image and converts them into digital data, typically in the form of a raster image file (e.g., JPEG, TIFF, PNG). Scanning is commonly used for digitizing printed documents, photographs, artwork, and other visual materials for storage, distribution, manipulation, and display in electronic formats.

Order your high quality artwork scan with our easy, online order system.
Scoop  A picture frame face design that has a concave curve. Generally the outer edge is higher than the inner edge, drawing the eye toward the image. Scoop
Score  To make an indent or line in a surface by cutting or scratching with a blade.

Mats are often scored near the inner edge to create depth and the appearance of a double mat. Designs can also be scored around the face of the mat.
Screen Printing  Screen printing is a printing technique whereby a mesh is used to transfer ink onto a substrate, except in areas made impermeable to the ink by a blocking stencil. A blade or squeegee is moved across the screen to fill the open mesh apertures with ink, and a reverse stroke then causes the screen to touch the substrate momentarily along a line of contact. This causes the ink to wet the substrate and be pulled out of the mesh apertures as the screen springs back after the blade has passed.
Screw eyes  Also called "screw rings". A type of metal hanging hardware with a threaded screw base and a looped top into which wire, string or a hanger can be inserted. Screw eyes
Screw rings  Also called "screw eyes". A type of metal hanging hardware with a threaded screw base and a looped top into which wire, string or a hanger can be inserted.
Security hangers  A type of picture frame hanging hardware that makes the displayed image very difficult to remove (and therefore, to steal).

The frame attachment is locked into the wall attachment and mounted to the wall as one piece, so that it is not possible to simply lift the frame off the hanger.

Commonly used in hotels, galleries, hospitals and any public place where expensive or significant art is not otherwise guarded.
SEG  SEG, stands for Silicone Edge Graphics. It is a printed fabric signage with a thin silicone beading sewn around the edges that fits into edgeless Aluminum framing. The silicone beading fits into a recessed groove around the perimeter of the frame to stretch the fabric completely smooth. The result is an upscale modern frameless appearance.
Self-adhesive tape  Also called "pressure sensitive tape". Any adhesive tape that sticks to a surface using only the application of pressure. It does not require added water, heat or solvent to adhere to the surface.
Self-leveling  A variety of viscous products that will spread until the surface is even, without any need for manual smoothing. For example: resin coating.
Sello tape  A British brand name adhesive that has become the generic term for its type.

Sellotape is a translucent, light-duty tape that is a cellulose-based, pressure-sensitive tape used in attaching, sealing and repairing materials.
Sello tape
Shade  A shade is a color mixed with black to create a darker version of the color. In contrast, a tint is a color created when a solid color is mixed with white, creating a lighter version of the color. Shade
Shadow Box  A picture frame with a deep rabbet, designed for the display of three dimensional objects. Shadow box frames are available in a variety of depths from 7/8” to 2 1/4”, and should be selected based on the size of object being framed. Shadow boxes are often used to showcase sports and travel memorabilia.

Order online: Custom-Made Shadow Boxes

Jersey Shadow Box Frames

Shadow Box
Shellac  A liquid coating derived from the excretion of a beetle found in India and Thailand. When the dried flakes are mixed with ethanol, they become a natural primer that dries solid and serves as a protective insulator, sealant or stain. Today, real shellac has been largely replaced by chemically-produced lacquer.
Shingle  A shingle is a tapered piece of wood used to cover building rooves and walls to protect them from the elements. In picture framing, an overlapping shingle design may be used on the face of the frame to create a textured, layered look. Shingle
Shrink film  Also called shrink wrap, is a plastic film used to tightly wrap objects together. It usually sticks to itself, therefore negating the need for an additional adhesive to hold it in place.

Once the object(s) is wrapped in the shrink film, it is placed on a heated surface or in a heated compartment. The film will decrease in size, tightly encasing the contents in clear packaging.
Silicone Paper  A type of paper that is treated with a silicone coating which prevents it from sticking to whatever it is laid against. Often used to separate artworks from one another, or placed over an artwork prior to rolling, so it does not stick to itself.

Similar to Release Paper.
Silkscreen mats  A mat board with an added silkscreen design to further incorporate the mat into the artwork. Often seen in framed pieces where the mat takes up a large amount of the frame opening.
Single Fill  A type of cotton canvas or cotton "duck" that is identified by its approximate weight per square yard, in ounces. Unlike numbered duck, which is woven with two strands of yarn in the horizontal "weft", single fill is woven with only one strand.
Single Mat  Similar to a regular mat; a framed display with only one color of mat board serving as the border around the image. Unlike a regular mat, the single mat could be decorated, or have stylized corners or etching. Single Mat
Sintra  Sintra is lightweight PVC board. Sintra has a uniform, fine, closed-cell structure that provides a low gloss satin finished surface. They are highly rigid and impact resistant. Durable for interior and exterior applications with a very high aversion to corrosion & water absorption. They are self-extinguishing and flame resistant. Available in black or white, 3mm(1/8") & 6mm(1/4") thicknesses.
Slatwall  A wall for displaying objects or artworks that does not require holes or nails. The wall is composed of horizontal wood or fiberboard strips with deep spaces between them into which hooks and hangers can be placed to hold items for sale or display. Commonly seen in retail stores and galleries.
Slip frame  A piece of thin moulding, similar to a linen liner, that adds extra decoration to a framed image. The slip (also called a fillet) can be inserted beneath the frame lip, between the frame and the image, or between the inner edge of the mat and the image.
Slip mats  A mat remnant used when cutting a mat opening that helps achieve a clean, smooth bevelled edge. The slip sheet is placed against the front of the mat, so it is between the mat and the cutter (the mat is placed back side up). It provides support to the top layer of the mat so that the blade of the cutter does not tear that layer when cutting through.
Slip Sheet  A very thin, translucent piece of paper or tissue, used to separate artworks to keep them from transferring inks or sticking to one another. pH neutral versions are available for archival prints and original artworks.
Snap pictures  Snap Frames, also known as click frames or snap-open frames, are aluminum frames for posters equipped with spring-loaded sides. These springs allow the snap frame's sides to be easily opened and closed.
Softstrand wire  A type of vinyl-coated wire used for picture hanging. The coating protects the wire from splintering, strengthens it, and provides a soft, smooth protection to the hands when affixing it to the frame.
Softwood  The wood of conifer trees (known as evergreens). This wood provides most of the world's timber supply. Despite the name, softwood is not necessarily softer than hardwood (from deciduous, angiosperm trees). The hardness of the wood varies widely within both categorizations. In picture framing, softwoods are more difficult to work with, as they have a tendency to warp and may secrete sap.
Spores  The reproductive part of a plant, encased in a shell or seed, which is often distributed by wind and/or water. In picture framing, mold spores can develop within the picture frame on the mat or the artwork itself. To avoid this, it is important to ensure that no moisture is trapped within the frame, and the humidity stays relatively equal over time.
Sports cases  A shadow box frame with a gap between the glass and the backing, into which sports memorabilia such as a jersey, winning ball or puck, or hat, may be placed and displayed.

The item(s) is pinned flat into the frame against a corresponding color backing, often accompanied by related collectors cards or photographs. The frame is then sealed and displayed, and the contents are protected from dust and damage. If proper archival-quality materials are used, this style of display will also prevent the fabric of the jersey from fading or yellowing over time.
Sports cases
Spray adhesives  A type of glue-like substance that is applied using an aerosol container and nozzle. Different adhesives are intended to bond different materials. Some versions are acid-free and are therefore acceptable for archival art projects.

Spray adhesives may be permanent or removable, or any bond strength in between.
Spring clips  A thin metal strip that is arch-shaped with a flat lip on either side. They are used to ensure that the contents of a metal picture frame remain pressed to the front of the frame. The spring clip is pressed flat onto the backing of the contents and slid between the backing and the frame rabbet. This is done at even intervals around the frame. Generally, each spring clip has a notch in the end to facilitate removal with a flat head screwdriver. Spring clips
Stair Step Floaters  A style of canvas floater frame that has a stepped profile. The frame face is flat, and then the frame juts out again approximately halfway between the face and the lip.

When fitting for a stair step floater, the framer does not need to allow for the extra 1/4" that makes the canvas appear to float within the frame. In this case, that space is already designated by the midway step of the frame.
Stair Step Floaters
Standard frames  A standard frame is a basic picture frame available in the sizes most common to printed images. These include 4x6", 5x7", 8x10" and 9x12".

We have a wide selection of picture frames available in any size.
Standoff Bolts  A type of metal fastener that is attached a mounted artwork (generally a plexi mount or dibond) that creates a space and shadow between the art and the wall. The bold has a flat or gently rounded, sometimes brushed silver head attached to a screw base. The screw is inserted through a hole in the corner of the artwork. Then a wide washer is placed over the screw, between the artwork back and the wall. The remainder of the protruding screw is then screwed into the wall. The result is a contemporary, frameless display style, with only the smooth heads of the bolts showing in the top two or all four corners of the artwork. Standoff Bolts
Stapler  A handheld tool used to fasten multiple things together. The stapler is generally activated by squeezing a trigger that shoots a bent metal rod through the materials, and may fold it down on the other side to hold it in place.

Heavy duty staplers can be used to secure pieces of wood or even metal. In picture framing, a heavy duty pneumatic stapler is used to affix the stretched canvas to the back of the stretcher bar frame.
Starch Paste  Wheat or rice starch pastes can be used as hinging adhesives for affixing an artwork to a backing or mat prior to framing. Starches are generally water soluble and could be a conservation-grade hinging technique (meaning the starch could be removed without damaging the artwork).
Stock Sizes  Another word for standard size picture frames. Many stores provide pre-made frames in a variety of sizes that are most common for printed images. These sizes include 4x6", 5x7", 8x10", 9x12" and 12x18".
Strap Hangers  Metal hardware used to hang picture frames that is made of a triangular metal hoop or D-ring, with a flat metal length doubled over around it, through which the screws or nails are placed. Depending on the size of the frame, a framer may use a 1-hole, 2-hole, 3-hole or even 4-hole hanger, with the screws running down the length of the frame moulding.

Order online: Strap Picture Hangers
Strap Hangers
Stretched Canvas  A canvas that has been stretched and mounted onto a stretcher bar frame. It can now be framed or hung on the wall as is.

Order your one-of-a-kind stretched canvas print today.
Stretched Canvas
Stretcher bar  A stretcher bar is used to construct a wooden stretcher frame used by artists to mount their canvases. They are traditionally a wooden framework support on which an artist fastens a piece of canvas.

They are also used for small-scale embroidery to provide steady tension, affixing the edges of the fabric with push-pins or a staple gun before beginning to sew, and then removing it from the stretcher when the work is complete. Stretchers are usually in the shape of a rectangle, although shaped canvases are also possible.

Since a stretcher is simply a frame, it can be constructed in a variety of ways. The differences in construction have to do with how the corners are built. Commercially available, pre-fabricated stretchers come in segments with interlocking corners that can be fit together like puzzle pieces.

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Stretcher Bars

Custom-made Stretcher Bar Frames

Stretcher bar
Stretcher frames  A wooden frame made from lengths of wood (stretcher bars), around which a canvas painting or print is tightly stretched and stapled or nailed in place.

Lengths of wood are cut at a 45 degree angle with a miter saw or chopper, and joined with V nails using an underpinner machine. If the frame is large, extra cross beams may be inserted for added support.

Stretcher bars come in a wide range of depths, depending on the artist or customer's preference. The most common stretcher frame depths are 1 1 1/2" and 3/4". The depth translates to how far out from the wall the face of the canvas will protrude when hung. When a stretched canvas is being framed in a regular picture frame, the framer may use a very shallow stretcher bar of 1/2" or 7/16".

Order online: Custom-made Stretcher Bar Frames
Stretcher frames
Stretcher Key  Small wedges of wood that can be inserted into the corners of a stretcher bar frame to make it a little bit larger. This is done because canvases can stretch out over time, and begin to sag on the frame.

Stretcher keys work only for half lap-jointed stretcher bars, because there is a gap within the wood. If the frame was constructed by a framer and attached with mitered corners, this method will not work.
Stretching canvas  The process of affixing a printed canvas or original painting to a stretcher bar frame. This involves stapling the edges of the canvas to the back of the frame after tightly wrapping it around the stretcher bars. The result is a clean, frameless display that can be hung on the wall as is. By attaching at the back, none of the raw edges or staples are visible.
Striplight  A striplight is a multi-circuit stage lighting instrument. Striplights are one of the most basic types of lighting fixtures available. They usually consist of row of lamps. A single striplight is usually wired internally into either 3 or 4 circuits.
Styrene Sheeting  An inexpensive plastic sheet that is used as a clear cover for cheap picture frames. Over time, this type of cover becomes brittle and yellow. Also called "polystyrene sheeting".
Sub-Frames  Similar to a fillet or slip frame, a subframe adds additional interest and decoration to a framed image, as well as create more depth between the glass and the image. Inserted between the glass and the artwork, under the lip of the frame, the subframe may have a flat or curved (scoop) face, and may be only slightly visible, or wider to serve the purpose of a mat.
Sublimation  Sublimation is a process where an image can be printed onto transfer paper using dye-based inks and then with heat and pressure become transferred into the substrate.

Dye sublimation on hard surface surfaces is possible if the surfaces have been coated. Instead of printing images directly on a surface, which may scratch easily, the image is infused into the coating to provide permanent protection and durability.

Substrate  In printing and imaging, a substrate refers to the underlying material or surface onto which images, text, or graphics are printed or transferred. Common substrates include paper, cardboard, canvas, fabric, plastic, metal, glass, and wood. The choice of substrate depends on factors such as the printing process, intended use, durability requirements, and desired aesthetic qualities. Substrates vary in characteristics such as texture, weight, opacity, absorbency, smoothness, and finish, influencing the visual appearance, tactile feel, and longevity of printed materials.
SUEDE mats  A picture framing mat board that is covered in a thin layer of imitation suede (soft leather with a "furred" finish, similar to velvet). Due to its texture, suede creates interesting color changes across the mat. SUEDE mats
Super softstrand wire  A type of vinyl-coated wire used for picture hanging. The coating protects the wire from splintering, strengthens it, and provides a soft, smooth protection to the hands when affixing it to the frame. "Super" softstrand is known as the most finger-friendly wire.

Order online: Picture Hanging Wire
Super softstrand wire
Surflon wire  A nylon-coated wire that can be easily knotted and is very strong, due to the coating. It is also very flexible and kink-resistant.

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